1. 该生实习期间,工作认真,勤奋好学,踏实肯干,在工作中遇到不懂的地方,能够虚心向富有经验的前辈请教,。对于别人提出的工作建议,能够虚心听取。能够将在学校所学的知识灵活应用到具体的工作中去,保质保量完成领导交办的工作。同时该生能够严格遵守我中心的各项规章制度,能与同事和睦相处,表现出较好的团队合作精神和敬业精神。
2. 表现高度热忱,讲解钜细靡遗,能兼顾不同程度学生的需要,亦能根据学生反应及教师指导调整板书速度教学方式内容……,努力求得学生最大利益。批改作业认真,评语多样丰富而恳切。上课秩序掌控得宜,收放自如,优秀稳剑发现问题能主动提出讨论,讨论中自然流露极佳学养与见识。
3. xx同志待人诚恳,作风朴实。该学生严格遵守我单位的各项规章制度,实习期间,未曾出现过无故缺勤,迟到早退现象,并能与单位同事和睦相处,交流融洽,善于取长补短,虚心好学,注重团队合作。
4. 该生综合素质较好,业务能力较强,政治表现良好,法纪观念充实,服从安排听指挥,与同事友好相处,短短实习工作期间,能够做到爱岗敬业,认真负责,相信会在今后的工作中取得出色的成绩。希望xx同志继续积极参加各种社会活动,不断总结提高,为毕业后投身祖国建设打下扎实基矗。
5. 该生在实习期间工作认真勤奋踏实敬业,能够虚心求教,善于思考,举一反三。热爱学生,特别关怀班上成绩较差行为偏差的孩子,耐心为他们补课,并给予肯定和鼓励,深得学生的喜爱。教学上有良好的素质,教学目标明确,板书工整语言清晰,能够适时调整教学方式,有一定的组织能力。注重教案的编写和反思,作业批改认真细致。相信今后的工作中定能更好地注重备课的针对性(备教材与备学生)课堂的有机调控和难点的有效突破,使自己更快地成长。
6. **同学在实习期间,非常出色的完成了教育实习方面的工作。具体表现有以下几点:首先,思想上对教学实习工作非常重视,意识到位。从开始实习第一天起就全身心投入到工作当中去,顺利地完成了从学生到老师的角色转换。其次,虚心好学,肯于钻研,对于指导老师的意见虚心接受,听课积极认真。更加难得的是**同学乐于深入到学生当中,与学生交朋友,以亲身经历向学生传授学习经验,帮助学生解决学习当中遇到的难题,真正做到了学生的良师益友。另外,**同学认真学习教材教法,备课当中不墨守成规,勇于创新,大胆尝试探究实验的教学模式,并在授课当中展现了较强的控制课堂的能力和优秀的教师基本功素养。总而言之,经过这次教学实习工作,相信**同学已经具备了作为一名教师的基本素质,使得我们完全可以期待,在不久的将来,他一定会成为一名优秀的教师。
7. **同学在本校实习班主任期间,能坚持每天全程跟班,主动与班主任交流班级情况,与同学谈心,进行个别指导。认真听取老师的意见,并虚心学习,积极主动参与班级管理与活动,做学生的知心朋友和“大哥哥”。在此期间,独立主持了一次班会,组织了一次课外活动,参与组织了校运会的筹备组织和管理。通过“家长联系本”用笔谈的方式与每一位同学交流指导,受到学生的好评欢迎!
8. xx同志于xxxx年xx月xx日起在我单位实习 ,实习 期为一个月。实习 期间,她的突出表现得到了领导和同事们的一致称赞和肯定。
9. 该生工作认真负责,班主任工作做的扎实,经常深入学生了解他们的思想和学习状况,与学生谈心,帮助他们树立正确的人生观和价值观,与学生交流探讨好的学习方法,组织开展各项有益的文体活动,深得学生喜爱。该生已具备一名优秀青年教师的基本素质。
10. 该生在实习期间听课认真,备课仔细,能够积极查阅资料,丰富教学内容。试讲勤奋,授课大方,表达流利,教态自然,能较熟练地运用现有教学设备,采用多种教学手段促使学生思考。课堂民-主又不失纪律性,深受学生喜爱。该生已具备一名合格青年教师的基本素质。
11. 该实习生实习期间认真负责,能独立处理教材,备课完整。课堂教学组织严密,应变能力强,能根据学生反应及教师指导调整板书内容,教态自然,优秀稳剑批改作业仔细正确,并能注意学生共同的错误,晚自修期间能下班辅导,具备了一个教师应有的素质。 经验。通过担任助理班主任,使我们认识到班主任工作的重要和辛苦,也了解和积累了一些班主任工作的方法和经验。通过与学生的接触,对现今中学生的思想和观念有了进一步的了解和体会,对今后从事教师工作有很大的帮助。
12.贵校XXX同学于xx年月来我校高一数学组实习,实习时间四周 该实习生在实习期间,工作认真,勤奋好学,踏实肯干 一直帮助指导批改作业,能及时统计作业中反馈的学习问题,利用课余时间耐心细致地辅导学生;不仅听指导老师的每节课,还积极主动地听备课组其他老师的课,细心琢磨,很快就能掌握基本的教学技能 在一周的上课中,比较熟练地掌握课堂的组织教学,教学效果较好 该实习生还热情主动地参与班级的管理,热爱学生关心学生,深受学生爱戴 经过实习,该同学圆满完成了各项任务,教学素质得到较大提高,达到了实习的目的
14.该生在实习期间,态度极其认真,工作积极细心踏实,能虚心接受指导;同时善于 思考,能够举一反三,具有较强地外语沟通能力和沟通技巧,能保质保量地完成领导交办的 任务;还表现出强烈的敬业精神和团队精神,深厚的专业基础和良好的专业知识水平,是一 位不可多得的人才。
15. xx同志在我单位实习期间,积极主动,态度端正。实习 期间,她主动要求到各部门了解学习,努力从多方面开拓自己的眼界。她先后去了财务管理科招标办公 室计划 财务部人力资源部办公 室法律事务部设备管理科法制办公 室等主要业务部门。通过学习书面材料 和与各部室人员的交流,她比较全面地了解了我单位科室的主要职能和重点工作,还协助完成了一些她力所能及的行政事务工作。这种积极主动的工作态度获得了各科室人员的一致好评。
16. xx同志在我单位实习期间,谦虚谨慎,勤奋好学。注重理论和实践相结合,将大学所学的课堂知识能有效地运用于实际工作中,认真听取老同志的指导,对于别人提出的工作建议,可以虚心听取。表现出较强的求知欲,并能够仔细观察切身体验独立思考综合分析,灵活运用自己的知识解决工作中遇到的实际困难。
17. xx同志在我单位实习期间,踏实肯干,吃苦耐劳。有创造性建设性地独立开展工作的思维;具有一定的开拓和创新精神,接受新事物较快,涉猎面较宽,在工程计算领域不断地探索,有自己的思路和设想。能够做到服从指挥,认真敬业,工作责任心强,工作效率高,执行公司指令坚决。在时间紧迫的情况下,加时加班保质保量完成工作任务。
18. xx同志待人诚恳,作风朴实。该学生严格遵守我单位的各项规章制度,实习 期间,未曾出现过无故缺勤,迟到早退现象,并能与单位同事和睦相处,交流融洽,善于取长补短,虚心好学,注重团队合作。
19. xx综合素质较好,业务能力较强,政治表现良好,法纪观念充实,服从安排听指挥,与同事友好相处,短短实习 工作期间,能够做到爱岗敬业,认真负责,相信会在今后的工作中取得出色的成绩。希望同志继续积极参加各种社会活动,不断总结 提高,为毕业后投身祖国建设打下扎实基础 。
20. 该生工作期间一贯积极主动,认真学习业务知识在很短的时间里就掌握了工作的要点与技巧,并将他们合理的运用在工作中,并能主动向老员工学习弥补自己的不足。
21. 该生在实习期间,态度极其认真,工作积极细心踏实,能虚心接受指导;同时善于思考,能够举一反三,具有较强地外语沟通能力和沟通技巧,能保质保量地完成领导交办的任务;还表现出强烈的敬业精神和团队精神,深厚的专业基础和良好的专业知识水平,是一位不可多得的人才。
1. During my internship, I worked hard, studied hard, worked hard, and met with unknown places in my work, and I was able to seek advice from experienced seniors. Be open to Suggestions from others. I can apply the knowledge I have learned in school to specific work, and I can finish the work assigned by the leader. At the same time, the student can strictly abide by the rules and regulations of my center, and can get along well with colleagues, showing a good team spirit and professionalism.
2. Show high enthusiasm, explain the great and thin, and can balance the needs of students with different degrees, and can adjust the teaching style of blackboard book according to the students' response and teacher's instruction... Strive for the best interests of students. Correcting the homework carefully, the comments are rich and rich and sincere. In order to control the class, the class should be in control, and the excellent stability of the sword will provide a discussion.
Comrade xx is sincere and plain. The students to strictly abide by my unit's each rules and regulations, during the internship, have not been absent without cause, late arrival, and can get along well with your colleagues, harmonious communication, good at complement each other, modesty and eagerness to learn, pay attention to team work.
4. The student comprehensive quality is good, the business ability is strong, political performance is good, the concept of law and order of enrichment, obedience to the command, get along with colleagues, just during the internship, able to wuxi, serious and responsible, believe that will be great success in the future work. We hope that comrade xx will continue to actively participate in various social activities, constantly summarize and improve, and lay a solid foundation for the development of the motherland after graduation.
5. The student is diligent and diligent during the internship. He is able to ask for advice and be good at thinking. Love students, especially care for children with poor performance in the class, be patient to make up for them, and give affirmation and encouragement, deep students love. The teaching has good quality, the teaching goal is clear, the blackboard writing is clear, can adjust the teaching method in time, has certain organization ability. Pay attention to the writing and reflection of the teaching case, the homework correcting carefully and carefully. I believe that in the future work, we will be able to pay more attention to the targeted and effective breakthrough of classroom .
6. ** during my internship, I completed the work of education internship. The specific performance has the following points: first of all, the thought has attached great importance to the teaching practice, and the consciousness is in place. From the first day of my internship, I devoted myself to my work and successfully completed the transition from student to teacher. Secondly, I am eager to learn and I am willing to study hard. I am willing to accept the guidance of the instructor and take active and earnest listening. Even more rare * * students willing to go deep into the students, to make friends with students, to teach students learning experience, with experience to help students solve the learning difficulties, truly a student mentor. In addition, the * * classmates study on teaching, lesson preparation of rut, innovative, bold attempt to explore the teaching mode of experiment, and shows strong control in the midst of teaching ability and excellent teacher basic literacy class. To sum up, through the practice teaching work, believe that * * students already have as a teacher's basic quality, we can look forward to, in the near future, he will become an excellent teacher.
7. During my internship as an intern in our school, I was able to follow the course of the course every day, actively exchanging classes with the head teacher, talking with my classmates and conducting individual instructions. Listen carefully to the teacher's opinion, and learn actively, actively participate in class management and activities, as the student's bosom friend and "big brother". During this period, I held a class meeting independently, organized an extracurricular activity, and organized and organized the preparatory organization and management of the universiade. Through the "parent contact book" in the style of talking with each student to exchange guidance, is welcomed by the students!
8. Comrade xx has been working as an intern in my unit for one month since xx, xx, xx. During the internship, her outstanding performance was praised and affirmed by the leaders and colleagues.
9. The student work is responsible earnestly, the teacher in charge work solidly, often deeply understand their thoughts and learning situation, talking with students, help them to set up the correct outlook on life and values, communication with students to explore a good method of study, the style of organization to carry out various useful activities, student backpack. The student has the basic quality of a good young teacher.
10. The student is attentive during the internship, carefully preparing lessons, and can actively consult the materials and enrich the content of the teaching. The diligent, the teaching is generous, the expression is fluent, the teaching state is natural, can use the existing teaching equipment more skillfully, use a variety of teaching means to urge the student to think. The class people - Lord without losing the discipline, deeply loved by the students. The student has the basic quality of a qualified young teacher.
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